
Who discovered maple syrup?

  1. Mrs. Butterworth
  2. The early French explorers in Canada
  3. A Native American woman named Moqua

Which state produces the most maple syrup?

  1. New Jersey
  2. Vermont
  3. Texas
  4. Florida

Which tastes great with maple syrup on it?

  1. Pancakes, waffles and French toast
  2. Ice cream
  3. Mashed potatoes
  4. All of the above

To make maple syrup, the sap must be...?

  1. Frozen
  2. Boiled
  3. Stirred
  4. Asked very nicely

What is sap?

  1. The food of a tree
  2. Someone who is easily fooled
  3. A mixture of dirt and water

The sugar maple is the state tree of ...?

  1. West Virginia
  2. Wisconsin
  3. New York
  4. Vermont
  5. All of the above

Syrup can be made from which of the following?

  1. Corn
  2. Maple trees
  3. Birch trees
  4. All of the above

Which of these Presidents loved maple syrup?

  1. Calvin Coolidge
  2. Thomas Jefferson
  3. William McKinley
  4. All of the above

When is maple syrup made?

  1. All year long
  2. In late winter/early spring
  3. In the summer
  4. In spring and fall

How much of the maple syrup is sugar?

  1. 2%
  2. 30%
  3. 66%
  4. 98%